Hegyi, Pál

  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 11 (2018) - Reviews
    Szőcs, Géza. 2017. Liberty, Rats and Sandpaper [Szabadság, spiclik, dörzspapír]. Trans. Paul Sohar. Island Heights, NJ: Iniquity Press. 112 pp.; Böszörményi, Zoltán. 2018. The Conscience of Trees [A fák lelkiismerete]. Trans. Paul Sohar. Princeton, NJ: Ragged Sky Press. 127 pp.
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 12 (2019) - Thematic Cluster: On Hungarian Historical, Literary and Filmic Constructions of Gender. Guest Editor: Enikő Bollobás
    Distancing Gender in Contemporary Hungarian Fiction
    Abstract  PDF