Joseph de Fontenay, Vilmos de Huszár, the Revue de Hongrie, and Trianon

Neglected Sources Regarding French-Hungarian Relations, 1906–1920


  • Marguerite de Huszár Allen Northwestern University



Joseph de Fontenay, Vilmos Huszár (Guillaume de Huszár), Revue de Hongrie, Treaty of Trianon, French-Hungarian Relations, World War I, wartime propaganda


This article addresses the still-perplexing question, as put by historian Andrew Ludányi: “Why were [Hungarians] punished the most severely by the Entente?” It does so by contextualizing Viscount Joseph de Fontenay’s influence on Hungary’s fate before, during, and after World War I. Events while Fontenay was French consul to Hungary (1906–1912) embittered him against his former Hungarian friends. He expressed his rancor in a 1920 letter to the French leader who implemented the Treaty of Versailles after Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau resigned. While in Budapest, Fontenay had founded the successful Hungarian cultural journal, Revue de Hongrie, in French, to form “a durable bond” between the two countries. Vilmos Huszár, editor-in-chief and later owner of the Revue, worked closely with Fontenay. However, historical events drove the journal’s focus toward political issues and support for Austria-Hungary, France’s enemy. Fontenay’s involvement in shaping postwar alliances and sentiment had a negative effect on Hungary’s fate. Huszár’s diplomatic appointment in 1916 to counter Entente propaganda from Switzerland broadened his outlook on events, offering him unique insights that allowed him to bear witness to the devastating effects of false and misleading Entente propaganda and practices in a book of polemical essays.

Author Biography

Marguerite de Huszár Allen, Northwestern University

Marguerite de Huszár Allen, PhD, has taught comparative literature and German language and literature at Princeton University, Loyola University of Chicago, and Northwestern University. She has also been a Fulbright research scholar in Hungary and a visiting scholar at the Buffett Institute for Global Studies. Her numerous articles have appeared in books and journals including The Faust Legend: Popular Formula and Modern Novel. She has published articles in The Faustian Century: German Literature and Culture in the Age of Luther and Faustus and Perspectives on Faust, as well as the German Quarterly, the Germanic Review, Journal of European Studies, Law and Literature, Hungarian Studies Review, Hungarian Cultural Studies, East Central Europe, and World Literature Today. The present article is the second in the history of the Revue de Hongrie, based on research the author began as a Fulbright Research Scholar, Hungary, in 2008.


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