Possibilities for a New Social Model?

Vid Mihelics and Social Policy in the Interwar Era


  • Péter Krisztián Zachar University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary




Hungary, interwar period, Vid Mihelics, Hungarian Catholic revival, Christian humanism, Christian democracy, social policy, Quadragesimo anno


One of the most important terrains of the European search for new ways in politics between the two world wars was the debate on the reorganization and tasks of the state and, within it, of the economy and society. This topic dominated academic discourse in the 1920s and 1930s. The thinkers who sought answers—economists, philosophers, historians, sociologists, and ecclesiastics—could build on the work of early predecessors, reaching back as far as Thomas Aquinas’s “organic view of society,” later embodied in the economic and political theory of Jesuit solidarism. The common feature of the theories that emerged in the interwar period was that they approached the construction of the state not from the point of view of the individual, but from that of social groups. Vid Mihelics, a prominent exponent of these ideas in Hungary, devoted his journalistic, scientific, and political activities to the Hungarian Catholic revival. His interests focused on social issues and related teachings of the Church. His writings sought solutions through the ideas of Christian humanism, which for him was “the inalienable essence of true Europeanism.” His writings can help us better understand how interconnected Hungarian intellectual life was with European trends in the interwar period. zachar.peter.krisztian@uni-nke.hu

Author Biography

Péter Krisztián Zachar, University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary

Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies, Department of International Relations and Diplomacy, head of department, vice-dean for international affairs.

Péter Krisztián Zachar, PhD, a historian, is associate professor at the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy, as well as vice dean for international affairs, at the Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies of the National University of Public Service (Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem), Budapest. He is also the co-president of Hungary’s Association of Christian Intellectuals (Keresztény Értelmiségiek Szövetsége). His books include Gazdasági válságok, társadalmi feszültségek, modern válaszkísérletek Európában a két világháború között (Economic Crises, Social Tensions, and Modern Responses in Europe between the Two World Wars; Budapest, L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2014).


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