The Pimpernel from Árkod
A comparative analysis of Magda Szabó's novel Abigail and Emma Orczy’s The Scarlet Pimpernel
Magda Szabó, Emma Orczy, middlebrow literature, popular culture, Twentieth-century Hungarian novel, intertextual aspects, dual-identity heroAbstract
The paper focuses on the registered but barely discussed intertextual aspects of Magda Szabó’s prose, which can be linked to the popular culture of the first half of the twentieth century. The comparative analysis compares one of her most famous novels, Abigail, with Baroness Emma Orczy’s Pimpernel stories and the relatively late entry in the Pimpernel franchise, the 1941 film “Pimpernel” Smith, directed by and starring Leslie Howard. The paper concludes that The Scarlet Pimpernel may have influenced the story and characterization of Abigail, particularly the portrayal of the dual-identity hero, Mr. Kőnig. It is also suggested that the novel’s schematic historical representation can be linked to Magda Szabó’s choice of literary template.
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