, University of Miskolc

  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 1 (2008) - General Articles
    Sámuel Brassai, the Last Transylvanian Polymath
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 5 (2012) - General Articles
    Propaganda Versus Genocide: The United States War Refugee Board and the Hungarian Holocaust
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 7 (2014) - Dedication: Seventy Years On, 1944-2014
    Ironic Narrative Agency as a Method of Coping with Trauma in the Diary-Memoir of Margit K., a Female Holocaust Survivor
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 9 (2016) - Special Cluster: The 1956 Revolution and Its Aftermath, Seen from Sixty Years On
    The Collaborative Illustrated Diaries of Two Preadolescent Boys During the 1956 Revolution.
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 10 (2017) - Errata
    Correction to: Kürti, László. “Review Article: Documenting Immigrants, Boarding Houses and Ethnographers. Burdosház Amerikából – Balogh Balázs néprajzkutató nyomában ('A Boarding House from America - in the Footsteps of Ethnographer Balázs Balogh'). Directed by Dezső Zsigmond, produced by Dunatáj Alapítvány, Camera: Arthur Bálint, 2015, 50:39 minutes.” Hungarian Cultural Studies. e-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association, Volume 9 (2016) DOI: 10.5195/ahea.2016.237
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 10 (2017) - General Articles
    Mapping the Intergenerational Memory of the Holocaust in Hungarian Bystander Families: The Case of Sacha Batthyány’s Identity Novel, Und was hat das mit mir zu tun? [‘And What Does That Have to Do With Me?’]
    Abstract  PDF