, Independent Scholar

  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 17 (2024) - General Articles
    Frontátvonulás [‘Frontal Passage’]
    Abstract  pdf
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 17 (2024) - Book Reviews
    Hartman, Jehuda. Patriots without a Homeland: Hungarian Jewish Orthodoxy from the Emancipation to Holocaust. Translated from Hebrew by Shaul Vardi. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2023. 393 pp.
    Abstract  pdf
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 7 (2014) - General Articles
    Problems of a Declining Hungarian Birth Rate: A Historical Perspective
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 4 (2011) - General Reviews
    Kádár Lynn, Katalin, ed.: " Through an American Lens, Hungary, 1938: Photographs by Margaret Bourke-White"
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 4 (2011) - General Reviews
    Palasik, Mária: "Félelembe zárt múlt: Politikai gyilkosságok Gyömrőn és környékén 1945-ben" [A Past Kept Secret Through Fear: Political Murders in Gyömrő and the Surroundings in 1945]
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 8 (2015) - General Articles
    Hungarian Population Discourses in the Twentieth Century: The Problem of Declining Birth Rates
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 10 (2017) - Reviews
    Baczoni, Tamás, Tibor Balla et al. eds. 2014. A Nagy Háború, 1914-1918 - kézzelfogható hadtörténelem (The Great War, 1914-1918 - Tangible Military History]. Budapest: Zrínyi Kiadó, Honvédelmi Minisztérium Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum munkatársai (Staff of the Institute and Museum of Military History Ministry of Defense). 68 pp. Two DVDs and fifty-six reproduced documentary inserts.
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 10 (2017) - Reviews
    Kis, Pál. 2016. Csillaggal nem jó járni most. Kis Pál budapesti fényképész naplója 1944. október-december ('Better Not Walk around with the Star Now - the Budapest Diary of Pál Kis between October and December 1944'). Foreword by Pál Závada. Budapest: Magvető. 128 pp. Photos; Fenyves, Katalin and Marianne Szalay, eds. 2015. A holokauszt és a családom ('The Holocaust and My Family'). Budapest: Park Könykiadó. 492 pp. Photos.
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 11 (2018) - Reviews
    Andaházy-Szeghy Viktor, Györgyi Kalavszky, et al. eds. 2015. Hadikrónika 1939-1945: kézzelfogható hadtörténelem ['War Chronicle 1939-1945: Tangible Military History']. Budapest: Zrinyi. 68 pp. + 2 DVDs + 79 reproduced documentary inserts.
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 11 (2018) - Reviews
    Laczó, Ferenc 2016. Hungarian Jews in the Age of Genocide: An Intellectual History, 1929-1948. Leiden: Brill. 239 pp.
    Abstract  PDF
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 16 (2023) - Book Reviews
    Kaposi, Zoltán and József Vonyó, eds. 2022. Pécs története VI: Iparosodás – Polgárosodás: Pécs a Dualizmus korában (The History of Pécs VI: The Growth of Industry and the Middle Classes: Pécs in the Era of Dualism). Pécs: Pécs Története Alapítvány and Kronosz Kiadó. 559 pp. Illus.
    Details  pdf
  • Hungarian Cultural Studies Vol. 16 (2023) - Book Reviews
    Czigányik, Zsolt. 2023. Utopia Between East and West in Hungarian Literature. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Cham (Palgrave Studies in Utopianism, ix). 252 pp.
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